Introducing the Free-Tier of our Product!

Introducing the Free-Tier of our Product!

Introducing the Free-Tier of our Product!

We’re excited to announce the launch of our Free-tier! With it, you can leverage the External Secrets Inc. Agent to manage deployments of the External Secrets Operator, streamlining secrets management across your cloud-native infrastructure.

Our platform includes:

  • Enterprise Distribution of External Secrets Operator: Pre-configured with enterprise-exclusive providers.
  • Automatic Image Updates: Ensure your deployments stay up-to-date with configurable policies for image management.
  • Namespace and Cluster Scope Management without RBAC Hassle: Easily control and monitor ExternalSecretsOperator deployments without complicated RBAC configurations.

Coming Soon: Async Rotator for Event-Driven Secrets Rotation:

Looking ahead, we’re focused on solving one common pain point throughout the industry - Rotation.

As part of our next development, we are building Async Rotator, designed to enable event-driven secrets rotation across your infrastructure—whether you’re using the open-source ESO or our Enterprise Distribution for ESO.

Our upcoming releases will also include a comprehensive suite for secrets rotation, providing flexibility and control over how and when your secrets are updated. The suite will support ETL setups for secrets to ensure seamless transformation and loading of sensitive data across environments.

Additionally, the Async Rotator enables secrets rotation triggered by events from any Secret Store, ensuring that every update, expiration, or access change in your secrets is automatically reflected in your deployments. To further enhance security, we are also adding rotation based on events detected by Secret Scanners, allowing you to respond to potential threats or policy violations in real time.

Sign up for our free tier and streamline your secrets management!

Isolating Secrets Management within Kubernetes Namespaces

Why should I care? This piece will be useful to you if you need to ensure that workloads in your cluster don’t have cluster-scoped access to resources, even if they are controllers that one would typically consider closer to the control plane than to individual workloads. You are probably looking for ways to configure external secrets management with namespace isolation or more specifically how to configure ESO (External Secrets Operator – external-secrets) through a namespaced approach.

Introducing the Free-Tier of our Product!

We’re excited to announce the launch of our Free-tier! With it, you can leverage the External Secrets Inc. Agent to manage deployments of the External Secrets Operator, streamlining secrets management across your cloud-native infrastructure. Our platform includes: Enterprise Distribution of External Secrets Operator: Pre-configured with enterprise-exclusive providers. Automatic Image Updates: Ensure your deployments stay up-to-date with configurable policies for image management. Namespace and Cluster Scope Management without RBAC Hassle: Easily control and monitor ExternalSecretsOperator deployments without complicated RBAC configurations.

Reconcile secrets immediately with Async Rotation!

At numerous events, in our community forums, and even on our Slack channels, we’ve heard a growing demand for a feature that gives users more control over how and when secrets are reconciled by the External Secrets Operator (ESO). Specifically, many of you have expressed the need to trigger a reconciliation of secrets based on external events rather than relying solely on the predefined refresh intervals. We listened, we’re excited to say that we are working on a new feature in the enterprise offering of External Secrets: Async Rotation (Immediate Synchronization).

Join us for effortless Secrets Management

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