We propose a better way to manage secrets

From the maintainers of external-secrets operator, we bring you a new way to manage secrets. Our mission is to provide a holistic secrets management solution that focuses on reliable secret distribution and robust secret access control. All of that easily manageable by your team.

Want to Know More?

Secrets Management at scale

Synchronize millions of secrets without the need to care about configuration. Our offering automatically scales and workload distribution out of the box

Simplify Distribution to New Environments

Eliminate manual efforts in managing secrets. We provide guidance and tools to help you control and observe the distribution of secrets to new environments as soon as they are provisioned, simplifying your workflow and reducing engineering efforts.

Real Time Synchronization

With our enterprise offering, you no longer need to maintain complicated CI/CD pipelines. We provide a real-time secret synchronization service that ensures that your secrets are always in sync.

Join us for effortless Secrets Management

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